· In a recent National Financial Capabilities study, only 24% of
Millennials (ages 23-35) were able to answer the first three financial literacy
questions correctly and a mere 8% answered them all correctly.
The following stats all come from the 2016 T.
Rowe Price report
80% of parents didn’t think schools were doing enough to teach kids about financial matters
69% of parents are very/extremely concerned about setting a good financial example for their kids.
80% of parents feel that they are setting a good financial example, but then 66% also admit to doing things that wouldn’t qualify as setting a good example.
40% of parents admitted that when it comes to talking to their kids about finances, it’s "do as I say, not as I do."
49% of parents said they rarely or never discuss family finances with their children
18% of parents admitted to being very/extremely reluctant to discuss financial matters with their kids
72% of parents experience at least some reluctance to having such a discussion
Alan Beeston 28 August 2018