Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
Sunday, October 28, 2018
October 28, 2018
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Focus Is What Creates Wealth
A few months ago, I wrote about the two driving forces in every decision we make. Each decision you make is based on your attempt to avoid pain or pursue pleasure. In many areas of our lives, pain seems more intense and therefore, most of us base our decisions trying to avoid pain. Take someone who is out of shape for example. Are they out of shape because they do not possess the knowledge to get in shape? No, we know what it takes to be in shape, but we also know it's hard, it takes work and commitment. For some, the idea of not eating what they want and working out is more painful than the pleasure of being in shape. Being in financial shape is not different. We know that we need to budget our personal finances and we need to earn more than we spend to be in good financial health, but some people associate too much pain with not spending, so they spend. Each person has their own associations with pain and pleasure. In the article I wrote a few months ago, I focused on the benefits of pain and how it is necessary to reach your goals and how we should not avoid it. Success does not come easy and pain is part of that journey.
Knowing that pain is positive helps us when we are going to make a decision that could cause pain, but that knowledge alone might not be enough. What can make a big difference is our ability to focus on the pursuit of pleasure over the avoidance of pain. The idea is to make the thought of the pleasure more powerful than the thought of the pain. This is done in two ways:
Obviously, we know goals are important in business. In fact, some will argue you will not be successful without them. What is not so easy to understand is why goals are so important. By having and focusing on goals, you are focusing on what you want, which is the pleasure we get from the decisions we make. When you are newer to business I would suggest focusing on a SMART goal, but my SMART goal might be a little different than what you have been taught.
Specific: The more specific your goal is the better. Your picture of what you want should be very clear.
Measurable: A goal like getting into shape is not only not specific but it cannot be measured. How will you know when you reach it? Great goals are easy to measure and know when they are accomplished.
Action Focused: This is the one that changes a little from what others are teaching. When you are getting started, created goals that are based on actions will help you. This is because they are easy to accomplish, and you can create some momentum. Small success leads to great things. For example, you might want to make a goal that you will make 5 offers each day or each week instead of doing one deal a month. Although you might want to do a deal a month, the focus should be on the actionable items that will get you there.
Reasonable: This is one that is challenging for a lot of us. We hear that if you shoot for the stars and miss, at least you will land on the moon. Although I do believe that we need to think big, I also understand that we need to believe our goals are attainable or we will not hit them. Our mind is so incredibly powerful that if it does not believe you can hit the goal... you can't. My advice is to make short term goals that stretch you, but that you believe are possible. As you start hitting your goals you will be expanding your mind and can create bigger and bigger goals. There is also nothing wrong with dreaming or setting lofty longer-term goals. That too can be very positive in your development.
Time Based: As mentioned above I like the idea of short term goals. My preference is a year or less on the actual goals that you are going to focus on. Monthly goals work well. There should also be rewards for hitting these short terms goals. In no case should your goal not come with a definitive date to accomplish.
I have written several articles and posts about this, so I will not spend too much time here, but it is important to mention that it is my strong opinion that your why is the one fail safe way to have success in anything you do. As long as your why is big enough, you cannot fail. Period.
The second way to shift your focus to the pleasure is your big why. Your why is very different than a goal, as it might not meet any of the SMART criteria. It is huge, much bigger than you, and is often something that is hard for you to even realize you are capable of accomplishing. Your goals will be based on this, but it is not something that you are tracking in most cases. It is often times much bigger than you, like leaving a legacy or helping or starting a charity. It is my why that keeps me going when things get hard and it is my why that helps me make decisions that I know will cause some temporary pain. It helps you bust through fear.
By focusing on your dreams and your goals you will be able to look past temporary pain, so you can create lifelong pleasure. Combine this strategy with the knowledge that pain is positive and you will be unstoppable!
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Saturday, October 27, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018
October 26, 2018
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Rich Look like Beggars, Beggars Look like Kings
You'd think he was a beggar. But he's not. He's one of the wealthiest and fastest growing landowners in northern Mississippi.
Movies and television have created a stereotype of the millionaire, and like most stereotypes, it's completely false. Rich people don't drive fancy cars, live in mansions, or cart around entourages of sexy playthings.
They know better. As one of my most successful mentors told me, "Getting rich is not about how much money spend, but about how much money you keep."
To illustrate, here are some comments from my investors:
A car payment? Why, I can't remember the last time I made one.
About a year ago, my father invited all of our investors to a private conference in his home near Memphis, TN. You've never seen so many rich people. If you tallied up the net worth of everyone in the room, I'm sure you'd go well over $100 million.
When I drove up to the house though, all I could do was laugh. Looking at all of the cars in the driveway, you'd think you were at a retirement home. The newest car in the driveway was from 1998. The majority of them were models from the 80s... and older. None of them were freshly detailed or flashy. You would have never guessed that all of them were owned by millionaires.
Talking to the investors about them was also interesting. I didn't ask everyone about their car, but the few I talked with told me they'd paid for the car in full a long time ago. They were also focused on regularly maintaining the car. Performance was just as important as price.
Buy a mansion? God no. Who needs all that space?
Knowing how to leverage their money and tax benefits, you'd think millionaire real estate investors would live in huge houses. But you'd be fooled, once again. Most of the millionaires I know live in modest houses in good neighborhoods. The average value is probably around $300,000.
They also own the houses debt free. Usually, they bought their house years ago for a steal in a good area, and then they lived there while it appreciated. To properly leverage their equity, they keep credit lines open, so they can take advantage of short-term opportunities.
Wear a suit? No, I prefer to work in my underwear
Through a series of coincidences over the years, I've learned that nearly all of my investors work in their underwear or pajamas. When they're forced to leave the house, they usually wear sweats or khakis. During the past five years, I've never seen one of them wearing a suit.
They have three reasons:
The Moral of the Story: Live like a Millionaire and You'll Become One
Not surprisingly, the most successful real estate investors I know are the most frugal people I know. I'm not talking about being miserly either. They live exceptionally well, but they do it with less money and more attention to practicality than pizzazz. If you want to get rich, act like them. Start living below your means and you'll see your wealth grow much faster.
Also, I've learned to be suspicious of people driving fancy cars and living in huge houses. While some are genuinely wealthy, most are in debt up to their eyeballs. They're usually insecure people, trying desperately to convince everyone they're rich. To use a metaphor:
You can judge a book by it's cover, but remember, the classics are rarely new and shiny. Their faded covers are evidence of their survival and their tattered pages were created by the hands of countless loving fans. Author Bio
Jon Morrow is the owner of Real Estate... Answered, a web site that answers dozens of questions about real estate investment for free. He also manages over $20 million of real estate investments in three states, focusing on luxury homes and multimillion dollar transactions. Article Source: - Free Website Content
The Rich Look like Beggars, and the Beggars Look like Kings
By: Jon Morrow
If you saw my father on a normal day, you'd feel sorry for him. His clothes are worn and coated with a mosaic of dirt, paint, and other unidentifiables. His boots are solid blocks of mud. His head is covered with a worn-out baseball cap, usually soaked in sweat.You'd think he was a beggar. But he's not. He's one of the wealthiest and fastest growing landowners in northern Mississippi.
Movies and television have created a stereotype of the millionaire, and like most stereotypes, it's completely false. Rich people don't drive fancy cars, live in mansions, or cart around entourages of sexy playthings.
They know better. As one of my most successful mentors told me, "Getting rich is not about how much money spend, but about how much money you keep."
To illustrate, here are some comments from my investors:
A car payment? Why, I can't remember the last time I made one.
About a year ago, my father invited all of our investors to a private conference in his home near Memphis, TN. You've never seen so many rich people. If you tallied up the net worth of everyone in the room, I'm sure you'd go well over $100 million.
When I drove up to the house though, all I could do was laugh. Looking at all of the cars in the driveway, you'd think you were at a retirement home. The newest car in the driveway was from 1998. The majority of them were models from the 80s... and older. None of them were freshly detailed or flashy. You would have never guessed that all of them were owned by millionaires.
Talking to the investors about them was also interesting. I didn't ask everyone about their car, but the few I talked with told me they'd paid for the car in full a long time ago. They were also focused on regularly maintaining the car. Performance was just as important as price.
Buy a mansion? God no. Who needs all that space?
Knowing how to leverage their money and tax benefits, you'd think millionaire real estate investors would live in huge houses. But you'd be fooled, once again. Most of the millionaires I know live in modest houses in good neighborhoods. The average value is probably around $300,000.
They also own the houses debt free. Usually, they bought their house years ago for a steal in a good area, and then they lived there while it appreciated. To properly leverage their equity, they keep credit lines open, so they can take advantage of short-term opportunities.
Wear a suit? No, I prefer to work in my underwear
Through a series of coincidences over the years, I've learned that nearly all of my investors work in their underwear or pajamas. When they're forced to leave the house, they usually wear sweats or khakis. During the past five years, I've never seen one of them wearing a suit.
They have three reasons:
- Cost. Dry cleaning is expensive. You save money by dressing down.
- Practicality. Investors deal with a wide range of less fortunate people that distrust people in suits.
- Comfort. Suits are uncomfortable, so unless you have to impress your banker, stay comfortable.
Not surprisingly, the most successful real estate investors I know are the most frugal people I know. I'm not talking about being miserly either. They live exceptionally well, but they do it with less money and more attention to practicality than pizzazz. If you want to get rich, act like them. Start living below your means and you'll see your wealth grow much faster.
Also, I've learned to be suspicious of people driving fancy cars and living in huge houses. While some are genuinely wealthy, most are in debt up to their eyeballs. They're usually insecure people, trying desperately to convince everyone they're rich. To use a metaphor:
You can judge a book by it's cover, but remember, the classics are rarely new and shiny. Their faded covers are evidence of their survival and their tattered pages were created by the hands of countless loving fans. Author Bio
Jon Morrow is the owner of Real Estate... Answered, a web site that answers dozens of questions about real estate investment for free. He also manages over $20 million of real estate investments in three states, focusing on luxury homes and multimillion dollar transactions. Article Source: - Free Website Content
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
October 24, 2018
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teaching kids financial literacy
What are Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth? There Is No Such Thing As Luck Take a good look at what you have today; look at how much money you have, your possessions, and your investments if you have any. Are you satisfied, or are you just going through the motions, and settling for second best? Look around at everything you have right now, and then look in the mirror. Because.... Everything you have right now, YOU have created. Now, this might be a totally foreign concept to you; if so, I want you to open your mind and consider what I have just told you. Maybe it will be a hard thing to accept at first, but once you do, you will unleash an invincible force within you. When we're not getting what we truly desire, it's much easier to blame outside forces than to look inside ourselves..but by blaming others, we give away our power! The honest truth is that what you put your attention on expands. Do these sound familiar?
You will always get what you think you deserve. Have you heard stories about people who rise from a life of misery and poverty and win enormous sums of money on the lottery, only to become flat broke again after a couple of years? At the end of the day, It all comes down to attitude. What is your attitude towards wealth and prosperity? Do you believe that it has never been in easy reach? Write down your beliefs. Doing this will help you to find what parts of your subconscious mind are stopping you from achieving success and living the life of your dreams. Make a commitment to change your beliefs; it's all up to you. If you want to be wealthy, you need to leave behind your old attitude and develop a new way of thinking. Open your heart and be willing to receive prosperity and abundance, and it will be yours! Author Bio
Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on attracting wealth, self image, love, relationships, phobias and much more on her website Manifest Your Success Article Source: - Free Website Content
What Are Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth
What are Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth?
By: Sonia Devine
What is your attitude towards having wealth? Do you believe it is possible to have anything that you want? Or do you believe that wealth and prosperity are reserved only for those other "lucky" people in this world? Okay, please pay attention to this: - The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
- There's never enough to go around
- I can't afford that
- Our family has always been poor - it's in our blood
- Money is hard to come by
- That's the way it's always been
You will always get what you think you deserve. Have you heard stories about people who rise from a life of misery and poverty and win enormous sums of money on the lottery, only to become flat broke again after a couple of years? At the end of the day, It all comes down to attitude. What is your attitude towards wealth and prosperity? Do you believe that it has never been in easy reach? Write down your beliefs. Doing this will help you to find what parts of your subconscious mind are stopping you from achieving success and living the life of your dreams. Make a commitment to change your beliefs; it's all up to you. If you want to be wealthy, you need to leave behind your old attitude and develop a new way of thinking. Open your heart and be willing to receive prosperity and abundance, and it will be yours! Author Bio
Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on attracting wealth, self image, love, relationships, phobias and much more on her website Manifest Your Success Article Source: - Free Website Content
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018
October 22, 2018
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teaching kids financial literacy
The first step to becoming financially independent
Here is a great article for Dr John Demartini on the starting point for financial independence and freedom
The first step to becoming financially independent
The first step to becoming financially independent
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Monday, October 15, 2018
Sunday, October 14, 2018
October 14, 2018
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teaching kids financial literacy
Learn How This Child Set Up His Own Business - Time and Pence
Learn How This Child Set Up His Own Business - Time and Pence: Prepare to be inspired by Safin, a 9 year old boy who set up his own business designing socks
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Friday, October 12, 2018
October 12, 2018
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What 10 financial experts are teaching their kids about money
What 10 financial experts are teaching their kids about money: Tips from top financial professionals on how they encourage their offspring to start saving.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
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teaching kids financial literacy
Help kids to learn the value of money
Help kids to learn the value of money: We believe that if personal finance education is to be transformative, improvements are needed. And the work has to take place at home as well as at school.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Monday, October 8, 2018
October 08, 2018
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teaching kids financial literacy
‘We’re all responsible for teaching kids about finance’
‘We’re all responsible for teaching kids about finance’: It’s the responsibility of all of us to ensure children are taught about personal finance, the results of a poll reveal.We asked whose responsibility it is to teach kids about finance in light of our campaign to Get financial education working.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Saturday, October 6, 2018
October 06, 2018
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9 Facts About Retirement
9 Facts About Retirement: Regardless of how you approach retirement, there are some things about it that might surprise you.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Thursday, October 4, 2018
October 04, 2018
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teaching kids financial literacy
Where Will Your Retirement Money Come From?
Where Will Your Retirement Money Come From?: Retirement income may come from a variety of sources. Here's an overview of the six main sources.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
October 02, 2018
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teaching kids financial literacy
Do Your Kids Know The Value of a Silver Spoon?
Do Your Kids Know The Value of a Silver Spoon?: You taught them how to read and how to ride a bike, but have you taught your children how to manage money?