
Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Half Million Dollar Baby

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Can YOU Afford to Retire? | 4% Rule Explained | Safe Withdrawal Rate

Friday, September 28, 2018

Pay Yourself First

Thursday, September 27, 2018

The #1 Thing That KEEPS YOU POOR

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What are Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth

What are Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth?

What are Your Beliefs About Money and Wealth?

By: Sonia Devine
What is your attitude towards having wealth? Do you believe it is possible to have anything that you want? Or do you believe that wealth and prosperity are reserved only for those other "lucky" people in this world? Okay, please pay attention to this:
There Is No Such Thing As Luck
Take a good look at what you have today; look at how much money you have, your possessions, and your investments if you have any. Are you satisfied, or are you just going through the motions, and settling for second best? Look around at everything you have right now, and then look in the mirror. Because....
Everything you have right now, YOU have created.
Now, this might be a totally foreign concept to you; if so, I want you to open your mind and consider what I have just told you. Maybe it will be a hard thing to accept at first, but once you do, you will unleash an invincible force within you. When we're not getting what we truly desire, it's much easier to blame outside forces than to look inside ourselves..but by blaming others, we give away our power! The honest truth is that what you put your attention on expands. Do these sound familiar?
  • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
  • There's never enough to go around
  • I can't afford that
  • Our family has always been poor - it's in our blood
  • Money is hard to come by
  • That's the way it's always been

You will always get what you think you deserve. Have you heard stories about people who rise from a life of misery and poverty and win enormous sums of money on the lottery, only to become flat broke again after a couple of years? At the end of the day, It all comes down to attitude. What is your attitude towards wealth and prosperity? Do you believe that it has never been in easy reach? Write down your beliefs. Doing this will help you to find what parts of your subconscious mind are stopping you from achieving success and living the life of your dreams. Make a commitment to change your beliefs; it's all up to you. If you want to be wealthy, you need to leave behind your old attitude and develop a new way of thinking. Open your heart and be willing to receive prosperity and abundance, and it will be yours! Author Bio
Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on attracting wealth, self image, love, relationships, phobias and much more on her website Manifest Your Success Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Robert Kiyosaki's How to Get Rich and Get Ahead Financially in 2018 Me...

Monday, September 24, 2018

10 Ways to Make Financial Education Fun & Effective - Part 5

By Elisabeth Donati  |   Submitted On September 29, 2009
EIGHT: Make it Catchy
Think of a commercial that you have found yourself repeating. "Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun," probably brings up an image of the classic McDonald's Big Mac in the hearts and minds of most Americans.
Ask yourself how you can turn the information you're teaching into catchy phrases, poems, and songs. Make information rhyme or fit into a pattern and, just know, that the funnier you make it, the easier it is to remember.
NINE: Make it FUN!
Laughter is not only the best medicine...it's the best learning method. Think of a time when something was really funny to you. Do you remember what was going on? Chances are you do.
Put the concepts and information you want to teach into a game or activity that makes your students laugh and you'll never have to 'teach' it again. When you do this, your learners end up learning as a result of the game or activity; it becomes a natural result of the experience. You literally weave the lessons into the activity and before you know it, they've got it.
Note: They don't always understand what they have just learned, but at least you've got it in their little computer brains where it will stay and be processed until it's needed at a later date.
TEN: Celebrate!
Imagine being acknowledged every time you raised your hand with an answer to a question your teacher just asked. Think about what it would feel like to have an entire group of people snap their fingers three times just because you stood up to ask a question or make a comment. Visualize how inspired you'd feel if the teacher said, "Great Job!" just because you participated in an activity.
Wouldn't you be more inclined to stay involved in the learning environment? Wouldn't you WANT to participate? Wouldn't you WANT to show up, ready to play, eager to learn?
This is only a partial list of benefits from celebrating learning. If it's good for a football team, it's good for your classroom.
End Result: Making it Sticky
All of these teaching ideas, combined with the power of accelerated learning, makes the information STICKY. Students learn faster, remember more and have a whole lot of fun learning information that would probably be boring and ineffective in any other setting.
Leaving home and school with financial wisdom is critical to every child's success as they forge their own way in the adult world.
By using these teaching tips to teach financial education, you not only improve the chances more of our youth living happy, successful adult lives but you can know that you've been a huge part in that success. And isn't that every teacher's dream?
BONUS TIP: Use financial literacy as a platform to teach everything else.
Do you want to really make learning relevant to your students? Great...think about this.
What if children learned how to read by studying business plans, reading articles about life and health, writing book reports on success journals of all types?
What if children learned math by creating budgets, learning to shop smart, researching stocks and creating financial statements?
What if children learned to write by writing business plans and advertising copy, business correspondence and hand-written personal letters?
What if children learned art and music by creating graphics, websites, composing advertising jingles and more for businesses they create?
THIS would make education relevant, experiential, effective and fun! It would be education that would stick with your child forever, giving them a lifetime of skills and information to make, manage and multiply their money wisely. The result? An adult who is financially responsible and who understands the power and value of doing good in the world.
THIS is how we change the world...one child at a time!
For more information on YOU can learn how to teach your financial literacy programs in the most amazingly affective way, check out http://www.creativewealthintl.org/trainthetrainer.php
Elisabeth Donati is the owner of Creative Wealth Intl., LLC and creator of Camp Millionaire, a unique financial intelligence program for youth. She is an expert in teaching the basic financial principles everyone needs in a way that is engaging, empowering and fun.
She has a passion for empowering women in her Creative Wealth for Women program and is the author of The Ultimate Allowance and the weekly ezine, Financial Wisdom with a TWI$T. For information, visit http://www.creativewealthintl.org

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The 3 Best Habits Of Rich People

10 Ways to Make Financial Education Fun & Effective - Part 4

By Elisabeth Donati  |   Submitted On September 29, 2009
FIVE: Make it Experiential (Full of Feeling)
Experiential teaching means letting the learner physically or emotionally experience what you're trying to learn. In the case of teaching kids about earned income, for example, you can physically hand them money for something they traded their time and energy for as well as money for something they did that might pay them over and over again (write a book, buy a rental property, invest in a stock that pays dividends). That simple gesture of handing them money elicits internal responses that will help embed the information.
SIX: Teach to All Three Learning Styles
Most people learn visually, auditorily or kinesthetically or a combination of any two or three. This means we learn by seeing, hearing and feeling, both physically and emotionally.
Teaching to all of these learning styles helps ensure that every student receives the information in a manner they can process best.
As an example, when you say, "There are five ways...", use your hand to illustrate the number five as well as write the number 5 in a bright color on a flipchart or dry-erase board.
Hint: Be BIG. If you want someone to move 6", you have to illustrate this by moving 12". Use your whole body when you teach. Be excited and inspiring if you want your students to be excited and inspired.
SEVEN: Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
When YOU say something, it's one thing. When you get your students to say something, it's a completely different story. When THEY say it, it's locked into their minds in a more profound way.
Many people don't learn the first time they are exposed to a concept, idea or piece of information. Think of your teaching as 'exposing' them to information and know that it takes often takes repetition for information to sink in. As an example, in a financial literacy workshop, have your students repeat sayings and principles like Pay Yourself First over and over again.
Hint: put principles on large colorful pieces of paper and hang on the wall. Give students a reward every time they hear the principles, run up and point to the principle and make the other students recite the principle out loud.
For more information on YOU can learn how to teach your financial literacy programs in the most amazingly affective way, check out http://www.creativewealthintl.org/trainthetrainer.php
Elisabeth Donati is the owner of Creative Wealth Intl., LLC and creator of Camp Millionaire, a unique financial intelligence program for youth. She is an expert in teaching the basic financial principles everyone needs in a way that is engaging, empowering and fun.
She has a passion for empowering women in her Creative Wealth for Women program and is the author of The Ultimate Allowance and the weekly ezine, Financial Wisdom with a TWI$T. For information, visit http://www.creativewealthintl.org

Friday, September 21, 2018

How The School System Keeps You Poor

Thursday, September 20, 2018

10 Ways to Make Financial Education Fun & Effective - Part 3

By Elisabeth Donati  |   Submitted On September 29, 2009
THREE: Make it Interesting
Here's how you know when a child or adult is bored...they LOOK bored! It's simple...no matter how interested they might be in the topic before you started teaching, if they are bored, you might as well forget about it.
There are some very simple ways to make learning anything interesting. Here are a few:
1. Ask Questions. Because questions hook the mind and keep us engaged, our brains stay active thinking of the answers to questions and problems that are thrown our way. Have them answer the questions out loud by raising their hands.
Two critical parts of this type of instruction are often left out. First, make sure you acknowledge the person for asking the question. Second, thank the person after the question is answered. Asking for a round of applause also keeps the energy high and makes the person feel great.
Tip: When someone asks a question, before answering, ask the audience if someone knows the answer. If they do, acknowledge that person by asking for a round of applause or snaps (see Celebrating Section).
2. Ask, Don't Tell. Before 'teaching' anything, find out if a member of the audience knows the information first. It's very common for someone in the room to know the information you are teaching and this will acknowledge them as well as involve the rest of the audience in the conversation. It's great when the presentation isn't all about the presenter!
3. Use Stories and Metaphor. Nothing is more attention getting than a great story. Weave the information or lesson into a story with a character they can relate to and you've got a winning combination. Craft the character to be the same age as your audience, with similar interests, concerns, likes and dislikes. Decide well in advance exactly what the character will do in the story in order to learn whatever it is you want your audience to learn.
FOUR: Make it Active and Interactive
There is saying that goes like this, "Everything is energy." If you've taught anyone at all, you understand the importance of keeping the energy high in the room, for yourself AND your learners. And this goes with any age...young to old.
Studies show that most people learn better and remember more when they're moving in one way or another. Incorporating the information into a physical activity helps make it easer to learn and more fun to teach and keeps the energy high for those involved.
In addition, because human beings are relationship oriented, provide plenty of opportunity for students to learn from each other and share their own experiences. This type of educational environment helps kids know they are not alone. And sometimes it's just more fun to learn things as a team.
One way of making it interactive is to consider your programs 'conversations' instead of lectures. When you have a conversation with someone, you talk, they talk, and on and on.
A great way to do this in a controlled way is to use CALLBACKS. A callback is when you say something and then immediately ask them to repeat the information. An example might look like this...
"So, one of the most amazing ways you can invest for your future it to put money in the stock market. WHERE can you put money?" And they say, "Stock market."
"The three assets most wealthy people invest in are real estate, the stock market and businesses. WHAT are the three ways?" They say, "Real estate, stock market and business."
You can also do it this way...
"One of the most important habits you can do with money is to Pay Yourself First." Say that whole sentence with me. And they will repeat it.
It takes a bit of practice but it's an powerful way to not only get them to remember what you're teaching but to stay involved and engages.
One additional way to keep the energy high in a learning environment is to be very aware of these three states: physical, emotional and mental. If you sense that the energy in the room is going down, all you have to do it change ONE state and you'll change all three. Because learning is incredibly 'state dependent', learning to recognize and change your learners states is one of the most valuable skills you can learn and use.
For more information on YOU can learn how to teach your financial literacy programs in the most amazingly affective way, check out http://www.creativewealthintl.org/trainthetrainer.php
Elisabeth Donati is the owner of Creative Wealth Intl., LLC and creator of Camp Millionaire, a unique financial intelligence program for youth. She is an expert in teaching the basic financial principles everyone needs in a way that is engaging, empowering and fun.
She has a passion for empowering women in her Creative Wealth for Women program and is the author of The Ultimate Allowance and the weekly ezine, Financial Wisdom with a TWI$T. For information, visit http://www.creativewealthintl.org

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

15 SACRIFICES You Need To Make If You Want To Be RICH

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

10 Ways to Make Financial Education Fun & Effective - Part 2

This is a great article that we have broken down in to 5 parts. Whilst nearly 10 years old, the basics still ring true.
By Elisabeth Donati  |   Submitted On September 29, 2009
Ten Components Of Accelerated Learning
ONE: Make it Relevant
Human beings generally have no interest in learning that which they don't see as relevant to their lives in some way. We all know what happens when we put people in an environment where they are asked to learn something they don't want to learn or aren't interested in. They start talking to each other, fidget, figure out ways to leave, daydream or doodle in their notebooks.
It's even more obvious with children. If you ask them to sit and watch something or listen to someone talk for any period of time, they wiggle and squiggle, roll their eyes, talk and ask lots of questions like, "Is it over yet?"
Yet put them in front of something that they find interesting, and even a two-year-old will sit still.
Topics must be made relevant and interesting or the information falls on deaf ears, and eyes. Even if YOU think the information is absolutely necessary, if it isn't relevant to the one you want to teach then you are wasting everyone's time and energy.
So how DO you make financial freedom and security relevant to an 8-year-old or a 12-year-old or even a 16-year-old? Great question.
The answer involves going into their world. In order to figure out how to relate what you want to teach them, you must understand what it's like to be 10 or 12 or 16. Only then can you begin to shape your message in a relevant way that will reach out and grab them.
Find a way to relate it to their lives. You can start by asking them what matters!
TWO: Enroll Them
Once you figure out how to make your financial education program relevant, your next step is to enroll them in the idea of learning. Enrolling is how you 'hook' your audience; get them to want to be there. When your audience is properly enrolled, they are ready to learn.
Here are three basic verbal methods the professional experts use to enroll their audiences:
1) Enrolling Questions & Scenarios.
Asking your audience a couple of relevant questions can immediately get them involved in the subject matter. Raise YOUR hand and get them to raise THEIR hand in agreement. Enrolling questions usually come in pairs and your goal is to enroll 100% of the audience. Sometimes this means thinking on your feet!
In a course about money, you might ask...
"How many of you like to spend money on things that you want?"
"How many of you want to grow up to have all the money you want and need so you can live the way you want to?
You can also use something like this...
"Imagine just for a moment, waking up every morning with the ability to do whatever you want. If I told you I had the secrets to that kind of life, would you want to learn them?"
A simple way to enroll children, in particular, is to invite them to visualize a particular situation and ask for their advice and feedback about how they would handle the situation. A good example would be "wanting a new pair of shoes but not having enough money" or "having a friend who asks you to borrow money". The more we can invite them to role-play situations that help them experience "financial risk", the better they will be prepared to handle those situations. Another scenario would be asking children to visualize what they will be like when they are older. Ask who will be paying for their food when they leave home, who will buy the gas for the car, stuff like that.
Bottom line...ask questions that will eventually reach 100% or your audience.
2) Announcements with meaning.
This is a way to reconnect with someone who has mentally left the room and "jar" them back into the program. An announcement goes something like this: "I was sick and tired of being broke!" or "The time is NOW!"
Bottom line...make announcements with a strong conviction.
3) Staggering Statistics.
This type of enrolling method involves using well-researched statistics. The statistic you use must be 100% true or you will lose your credibility. The statement is used to get your audience's attention.
Perhaps something like...
"Our country is currently in debt to a tune of over $11 Trillion dollars!"
"College students are moving back home at an unprecedented rate!"
"College students are graduating with $_________ in credit card debt, with no ability to make the payments."
Along the same lines, don't hesitate to provide a group of children or teens with real statistics...
o like the fact that it takes approximately $300,000 to raise a child from 0-17.
Then ask them how many children they want to have!
o like how much they'll end up paying for that first new car they finance.
Ask them if they think the car was really worth it?
o like how much buying a $4 coffee drink adds up to over 40 years at 10% interest.
Ask them if they'd rather live on that money later or drink it once.
Bottom line...startle them with facts!
Regardless of which methods you use, be concise, powerful and full of conviction. Pay attention to the response you get from your enrolling methods so you continue to modify for each presentation or class. You will quickly find that the more time you spend crafting your enrolling questions, the better and more effective your teaching experiences are for your students.
Bottom line...find a way to hook them and you're half way there.
For more information on YOU can learn how to teach your financial literacy programs in the most amazingly affective way, check out http://www.creativewealthintl.org/trainthetrainer.php
Elisabeth Donati is the owner of Creative Wealth Intl., LLC and creator of Camp Millionaire, a unique financial intelligence program for youth. She is an expert in teaching the basic financial principles everyone needs in a way that is engaging, empowering and fun.
She has a passion for empowering women in her Creative Wealth for Women program and is the author of The Ultimate Allowance and the weekly ezine, Financial Wisdom with a TWI$T. For information, visit http://www.creativewealthintl.org

Monday, September 17, 2018

10 Things The Rich DON'T Do (Most People Do)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

10 Ways to Make Financial Education Fun & Effective - Part 1

This is a great article that we have broken down in to 5 parts. Whilst nearly 10 years old, the basics still ring true.
By Elisabeth Donati  |   Submitted On September 29, 2009
Money. No matter how you look at it, on some level, you need it.
You need it for shelter. You need it for food. And you need it for a zillion other things that make life a little more convenient and enjoyable.
Whether you love it or despise it, it's part of life and the sooner you learn how to make it, manage it and make it grow, the sooner you begin to enjoy its potential to fill your life with experiences that bring joy to you and those around you.
The ability to manage money wisely directly correlates to the ability to live independently and successfully, so it's no surprise that there are hundreds of financial literacy curriculums available to empower children with the critical financial tools and information they need.
The challenge with most of those curriculums, though, is making them fun and effective.
Most financial literacy curriculums are flat out boring. They are missing the one component that makes them effective...a profoundly unique delivery method.
Key Component: The Delivery Method
We've all experienced exciting, mind-stimulating presentations that made learning fun and easy and we can all point to those that were boring and irrelevant that served as merely a means to catch up on doodling practice or missed sleep.
Creating a stimulating learning environment in which to teach financial education to kids and teens has its particular challenges.
Not only it is challenging to convince kids they need to know this information NOW but we're teaching to generations of children who are used to being entertained.
Given these challenges, how DO you make financial education fun and effective for kids of any age? We've found the answer: use Accelerated Learning!
The Key to Teaching Financial Education: Accelerated Learning
Accelerated Learning (A.L.) is the most advanced teaching and learning method available today. It's the most powerful tool available for speeding and enhancing both the design process and the learning process. Based on the latest brain research, it has proven again and again to increase the effectiveness of learning while saving time and money for the instructor.
Accelerated Learning, in a nutshell, is TEACHING to all three learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) USING all three learning styles and doing it in an environment that both enhances and encourages learning.
Effective Accelerated Learning techniques makes learning any kind of information fun, enjoyable and easy to remember.
So, since Accelerated Learning makes teaching any topic easier and more effective, let's look at how we can apply this methodology to make financial education work for you.
There are basically 10 components of Accelerated Learning you can apply to make any financial literacy program fun and effective for your students, regardless of age!
Note: The following information is completely relevant for speakers, presenters, teachers or coaches in the financial education arena. The techniques work with all ages and with all topics.
For more information on YOU can learn how to teach your financial literacy programs in the most amazingly affective way, check out http://www.creativewealthintl.org/trainthetrainer.php
Elisabeth Donati is the owner of Creative Wealth Intl., LLC and creator of Camp Millionaire, a unique financial intelligence program for youth. She is an expert in teaching the basic financial principles everyone needs in a way that is engaging, empowering and fun.
She has a passion for empowering women in her Creative Wealth for Women program and is the author of The Ultimate Allowance and the weekly ezine, Financial Wisdom with a TWI$T. For information, visit http://www.creativewealthintl.org

Thursday, September 13, 2018


This is a great book by Joline Godfrey. While the revised edition is a few years old, the information contained in the book is great.

A summary from Amazon is below, and a link if you want to buy the book.

This combination parenting and personal finance book helps parents teach their children key money skills–such as saving, spending, budgeting, investing, building credit, and donating–that they’ll need to become financially secure adults.
In this updated edition of Raising Financially Fit Kids, Joline Godfrey shares knowledge gleaned from two decades of preparing children and families for financial independence and stewardship, philanthropic effectiveness, and meaningful economic lives. At the heart of the book are three big ideas:

• Financial education is not just about the money; it’s
about building great families and raising self-confident kids who have the tools to realize their dreams.

• Financial sustainability means living within one’s means and acquiring skills to create and manage human and financial capital.

• Giving wisely is a global citizen’s responsibility.

Designed for parents, grandparents, mentors, advisors, and educators, Raising Financially Fit Kids uses ten core money skills applied across five developmental life stages: children, tweens, middle schoolers, high schoolers, and twenty-somethings. Each stage includes age-appropriate activities that make financial fitness fun, from mall scavenger hunts to financial film festivals.
 In this global economic landscape, we all need financial fluency. Whether your child is five, fifteen, or twenty-five years old, it’s never too late to teach financial literacy. Raising Financially Fit Kids prepares your children for the complexities of living in a global economy and helps your family up your game from good to great.
Buy the book by clicking here

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Financial Advice From KIDS

A bit of fun for a Sunday morning - the kids' view on finance

Saturday, September 8, 2018

How to Win the Game of Money | Strategies for Financial Freedom

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Generational Wealth - 3 Tips To Create, Build, And Protect Your Family's Generational Wealth

By Ryan D. Forrester  |   Submitted On March 10, 2015
Most of the western world is bankrupt in their thinking. Generational Wealth is a term we should all know and understand. For most families on the western hemisphere this is an uncommon mindset but, if you examine the eastern parts of the globe you will find examples of generational wealth spanning century's and not just cycles.
A simple definition of generational wealth is 'the passing down of stable, significant financial resources to future generations'.
Here are 3 Tips To Create, Build, And Protect Your Family's Generational Wealth.
Tip #1 - Build Wealth In Something That Holds Or Increases In Value
Physical assets like land, art, and gold, outlast and outperform riskier paper assets like stocks and bonds. Indeed, stocks can perform well for long periods however; stocks, bonds, and even cash all involve some claim on a third party. Every paper currency in the history of the world has eventually proved worthless and there is little reason to believe the reigning paper money champions of today: the US dollar, euro, or yen will prove different.
By virtue, the value of land, art, and gold, are intrinsic. Absolutely some liquidity is needed for day-to-day expenses but, in these physical holdings there are no issuers who can suddenly make your land disappear or turn your gold into confetti.
Tip #2 - To Protect Generational Wealth, DON'T Divide It
Different personalities equal different investing ideas. Generally speaking, when mom and dad die, their assets are divided among the children. When family assets are split up each child has the power to do with their share as they please but, all too often the financial discipline of mom and dad is not an inherited trait and fortunes typically change.
When the assets remain intact and are managed as if they were a company, families will view their wealth differently and might not hesitate making a $5 million investment. As assets pass down the generations, each generation does not view the assets as "theirs" but rather views themselves as guardians of something greater.
Tip # 3 - Foster Attitudes Of "Wealth" In The Next Generation
Once you've attained your wealth (or while creating it) talk to your children on how you made it; why you made it; and what you want done with it once you pass it on. Also, consider delaying the transfer of wealth until after age 30. This allows for kids to earn their own success rather than having feelings of entitlement.
Conversations of wealth with your heirs (children) should be a regular occurrence around the dinner table. This will also afford you the opportunity to "evaluate" whether or not they are suitable to carry on your fortune.
In today's economy it's imperative to educate yourself on ways to create, build and protect your wealth. If done properly you too can have generational wealth for your family.
If this information has been helpful and you've found value please like it, post it and share it with others.
As an independent insurance advisor and income protection specialist for almost a decade, Ryan has been providing clients with customized personal insurance and financial solutions through disability, life, critical illness, long-term care, and other personal insurance products while providing strategies for hedging income and preserving wealth.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Monday, September 3, 2018

Invest in Your Financial Literacy

By Marek Mularczyk  |   Submitted On February 11, 2015
We know so little about finances. We are not taught at school about finances. There is a reason behind it though...
Because of these you should make it imperative to invest in your own Financial Literacy (FL) as I like to call it.
This is your future. Invest in yourself. Invest in your future. Do not keep spending money on things that are not investments, instead invest in yourself. Invest in your financial development. To quote Sharon Lechter, co-author of "Rich dad poor dad":
"I love my children and want to ensure they get the best education possible! Traditional schooling, while very important, is no longer enough. We all need to understand money and how it works."
So true. I see so many people around who have no idea how to manage their finances and do nothing to secure their future. They get to their retirement age and they realise how little they're going to get from the government. And they go from one day to another carefully spending their money so that there is enough by the end of the month.
Why not think about your future now and make sure that when you get to your retirement age, you won't have to worry about your retirement because you will have enough money to live the way you want? Invest in yourself! Buy books and dvds to learn. I keep investing in myself and it pays off. I buy books and dvds and I attend all seminars I can. I am investing in myself and so could you. And so Should You! Take every opportunity to learn something useful, something that will help you in your life.
I believe that there are books that Everyone should read. Books that everyone would profit from. Books I recommend to everyone I know. Books that everyone should buy and read it every now and then. One of them is "Rich dad poor dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. It is an amazing book that will teach you financial literacy in an easy way. Here's what Zig Ziglar - a world renowned author and lecturer said about this book:
"To get over the top financially, you must read Rich Dad Poor Dad. It's common sense and market savvy for your financial future."
I've read probably all Robert Kiyosaki's books and they're all amazing. And I wanted to buy them to read them over and over again so imagine my absolute surprise when I came across them in my library a few days ago:
I didn't hesitate even for one second. I grabbed them without looking at the price! These books are worth any money! These books may save you so much money that they could easily be sold for thousands of pounds! But they only cost about £10 each. Here's the best part though. I found them on sale in the library (they often sell books they don't need) and these books cost me £1 each! Unbelievable!
But here's the best bit about these books that I purchased from the library - the library doesn't stock these books! Let me say it again - the library doesn't stock these books! Can you believe that?! Such amazing books, they're selling them and they don't even have them in stock so that people could read them!
So your homework for this week is to invest in one of these books at least. And read them of course!
Speak to you soon.
As I'm writing it, you can get it for under £6! That's an amazing value!
Did you like the article? Why not pay me a visit at my blog at: http://www.makeyourwayup.com/ to find more articles from me.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Marek_Mularczyk/2058923